Monday, 26 December 2011

Hey guys, Happy Christmas (even though it was yesterday); I hope everyone had fun. I did! Christmas is so nice, everyone is so jolly and funny though maybe thats just all the alcohol that everybody has ingested. I my self was at home and we had a grate time. If you asked me if  I could describe it one word it would be yummy, the rents put on a grate feast which everyone enjoyed, the food is the best part of Christmas. My family are complete foodies and my mums a grate cook so I always eat grate food. Another part is well the presents. So much smaller! Haha joke, even though it's about the giving I still love that part, though I shall say what I got in a future post, all I will say for now is Kindle.

I wore this outfit last sunday (the one before Christmas). After forgetting about this belt I have re-descoverd it and love it (digging though my wardrobe was a grate idea). The loafs are by New look and my sceptical mother even said they were nice even though they are not leather. All I can say for the red hat is yay I love it. Socks All together I like the feeling of this i was sort of going for preppy and think that got that feel. One win to me. Hehe

Lot's of love Sasha