I am one of those people who barely ever actually gets ill, I mean I will have a have sore throat or a slight cough, but never like I'm in bed and unable to do anything. But recently I've been starting to think that that is more will power than anything else. For about a month now I felt a bit rubbish a slight runny nose, sore throat and cough nothing very debilitating. This week my brother got ill, I gave whatever I had to him and he is way worse than me, like the works not going to school and being in bed constantly (he didn't go downstairs for 4 days straight). I always thought that I was lucky I never really get ill, just not getting the bad germs or something, but maybe it's willpower because I spend so much of time telling myself I can't get ill, I guess I just don't. Maybe that's not possible.
(Top-free people/ Skirt-I made myself/ Boots- Doc Martin/ Skarf- Urban Outfitters/ Bag- pressent)