Although I am back home in England my head is still in France. One thing that I have learned from my trip is that when you see an olive grove, by god you take pictures. This outfit is was pretty true to what I was wearing/ I'm wearing. The soft wide leg trousers and tee are really comfy as have a casual vibe which I just love as well as the fun of stretching your leg as far out in front of you and seeing the trouser fall.
If I could tell you of a morning when I wished I was back in France or my Birthday or some other really fun thing, that would have been the other morning. Why you might ask well it was doomsday of course better known as A-level results day. I have had a bit of a mental block on the day since I put down the last exams paper every times its gets brought up, my went "la la la la", you could say that I had been dreading that day. I woke up at 7:30 that morning after last nights Gilmore Girls minnie marathon as I finally faced my fears and prepped for the worst drew up a back up plan aka which counties I was gonna visit before I figured out what to do with myself may have been more traveling. After peeping a look at my results it was all ok, but I still longed to be back in France where I didn't care about grade boundaries at all. Results day was one of those days which I needed to pass for my future to feel real to me, now its over I can move on and see myself on my art foundation course which I start in 2 weeks. I can even picture my clothes.