All words that describe going up and down a canal in
Southern France (the phrase pretty sick works too). You peacefully travel up
the canal by day with only the interruptions of a few locks, to then have drink
a glace or maybe a few more of bear, wine ect. It also pretty fun, I’ve even
got a tan in the 10 days I’ve been away from the UK aka tanned me is a FREAKING
BIG DEAL, proud is an understatement of my feelings for my tan lines. Something
is always going on even if it’s looking the view that has captured the
imagination many a famous artist. Aside
from that there is all ways the food, croissants never fail in their amazing
taste and getting to actually use my summer clothes without feeling that I am
about to freezes most of the times is nice too. Overall there is a bounty of
good vibes going down the Canal de Midi.
X Sasha X
Pst- the DIY is coming very soon, I filmed the last bit here
in France.