Hey Guys, I'm back and feeling more positive vibes about this blog.
While reading this months British Vogue (bought at Southampton station on my way home from my last exam (woop woop)) I was struck by the editors letter, which talked about the changes in style over the years and how we might be on the verge of a big change. This got me thinking about how style or fashion changes all the time and the backlog of things of stuff I've wanted in the past that now I look at and think what the hell was I on when I looked at that? But that is all part of it, if style didn't change we would all be in Victorian court dresses with 70's hair (not the good kind). The timeless pieces like that crisp white shirt or black pumps never fail us they are timeless and the only constraint that they have is when they stop fitting and brake (normally in the most public place possible and when its raining).
Charity or thrift shops are a graveyard for these forgotten relics of our bad taste as well as our good taste. But sometimes the gems inside are not as obvious as others. Pick up a mens cotton shirt and it's like a new world, sort of. Thats how I made my top anyway! I like the almost androgynous feel of the rust dip dye most of all. I tried to imply the origins of this top with the line down the centre. Most of I wanted to create something new and different out of an old mens shirt.
I kind of feel that this is really SICK!!!