Friday, 30 May 2014

Something to think about, Me!

(White tank top-Topshop, Blue Jumper- H&M, Skirt- Zara, Shoes- Juju & Jewelry assorted)  

"I'm Back!!!" 

Long time no see, (well type) I missed this! It is always weird when you stop doing something you love, it doesn't feel right and that is definitely the feeling that has surrounded me for the past month. But sometimes you have to stop and breathe and get your priorities in order (school and my exams have to come first, hence the lack of content). But in this break I have had time to think about this blog and what I think of it (in every way), the truth is I am starting to hate the way this blog looks, the photos are poor and really boring, the layout needs work (I always think this), I am out of shape looking a bit on the fat side (working on this), it is all the same old thing up here and some of my outfits suck. This leads me into the question of why am I even doing this? (I've been doing this for years, I should be better by now!!) The answer is I don't know, I guess I just enjoy the process. But I'm not happy, infact I find this whole thing embarrassing I should be able to do better.  I not sure whether to quit, BUT, I am going to try again get this blog to the point where I am happy with it and no longer embarrassed about it. I want to do some DIYs, recipes, better outfits (I honestly do not know what I was thinking in some of the things I worn), and a few other things.

I am sorry Blog for being a bit rubbish
