Wednesday, 23 October 2013


Blue, what a colour, ahy! It always feels a bit overlooked in my opinion, left out either too cool or too boring. I never really see anybody wearing it, (I feel your pain blue). But blue is the opposite of boring, for starters look at this edition of Rebecca by Daphne Demorio, I love the gradation of colour from deep blue to lighter greeny-blue and the v shaped pattern on the cover of one of my favorite books, side note I love book covers they are just so darn cute haha but never worth a bad story!! Blue seems to have made a little bit of a comeback recently and even though I am not one for following trends really I do love a bit of (a lot of) blue, especially when it is paired with interesting shapes and silhouettes. Blue is also a bit more interesting than black and white to start an outfit out with.  Blue and black work really well together and I might kill (an animal) for this outfit , especially the deep bright blue colour of the top and skirt, the black really makes it POP. I love relaxed looks and boxy shirt, floaty skirt and the A M A Z I NG shoes by Acne which I think I have gone crazy for. I wish they could be mine. :(
