Sunday, 8 September 2013

Just for the Sun Shine


(Top- TopShop, Denim Jacket- Gap, Skirt- Vintage shop in Bath, Bag- The Cambridge Satchel Company and Converse- Amazon (I think)) 

I wore tights in the South of France in August, hashtag what is wrong with me??? Of course tights are a staple in my wardrobe, but really in that weather, tights are becoming ever more a accessoire than having a function. This point is improved upon by the fact that today I am wear a scarf, jumper, skirt and no tights. I look at bit of a state! Even when I was little I was a bit odd when it came to my clothing and the weather, in the middle of winter I used to get out of school already to go home wrapped up in a coat and the rest of the paraphernalia run to my mum and hand it all back to her as I much prefered to walk home in my tee-shirt. I guess old habits die hard.

Pictures taken on my last proper day in France (I hate last days: I hate packing). But of course I couldn't resist the chance hop up nearest to a lamp post and snap a few pictures. It is so weird to think that I was there only 2 weeks ago (90% of that has to be the weather it was HOT there). There is something so magical about summer and the sun, how bright all the colours are and the pleasant mood which always rubs itself off on the outfit. Being in France with it's famous light (and croissants) gave the vibes of this skirt a  huge kick in my opinion. Recently I have been all about full skirts and boxy tees, there is something so satisfying about how they work together. Even better if it's a mix of colour and monotone. I have been a sucker for a great print for a long time. So a few years ago when I found THIS skirt with it's vivid colours and floral garden esk print not to mention it's classic silhouette, even though it came in an overly damaged for it's price of £30, (there were buttons missing and everything) I could not resist.

It has a charm of it's own just like the perfect fall jumper or wearing tights in the middle of Southern France.
