DIY dress simply paired with a black flip flops
So umm Long time no see........I guess you can say that I have been busy lately, (to be honest I still am). You know when you just let time slip through your fingers and suddenly you have one week left before school starts again and you haven't accomplished half of the things you wanted to (I still haven't found hamburger flavoured crisps). Well that is me right now, shamefully rushing around trying to be ready to start my final year of sixth form. Let's be honest I am not and probably won't be; I have so much holiday work left to do it's unreal! (Advice to anyone starting As keep on top of your homework or it will creep up on you from behind and steal your lunch)
These pictures were taken while I was in France, near a lock and a really amazing run down old building (side note: I am in love). France was amazing, but anywhere which has that level yummy food just for breakfast is fine with me. (I may be on a bit of a diet now..... ummmmm too much of a good thing). This dress is something that I have been waiting to photograph for ages and it sort of seemed to be the perfect place, my artsy side screamed that I HAD to do it or I would like die cos the light just matched the colours in my dress or something. I think that that is the most eloquent way of writing, hmmm maybe not.
As much fun France was I am glad to be home I missed my cat (I am ashamed to admit I am a little bit of a cat lady)
Remember to check out my instagram and Twitter I am getting a bit addicted