Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Just one little change

Hey Guys,

(Dress- Romwe, Cut off tee- Topshop, Shoes- Office)

Let's get real here! Do you ever have those days when you just hate what you're wearing. I had one the other day (the day that these photo's were taken). It was so annoying I had to go around my collage all day thinking how much I wanted to change, it wasn't even like I got dressed hating what I was wearing. I guess I just changed my mind half way through the day. Stupid I know but, what was I gonna do really!!!! As soon as I got home I ran to changed.  It was only when I looked in the mirror that I realised that I didn't look half bad, (I know really). Part way through the day I took my shirt/ jacket off as I was so sick of looking the way did. I realised how much better it looked without the the jacket. Really who knew, I avoided mirrors yesterday, after the whole I HATE THE WAY I LOOK MOMENT. I really suprised myself.  Playing about a bit I throw on a scarf and some heels. I think that they added a touch more complexity to the outfit (more the scarf than the shoes; as walking around in bare feet looks a bit odd if you're not at the beach). It kind of taught me to not put too much on and too try and too look in the mirror more; not something I think on a daily basis.

Also I have a new obsession with scrunchies, they are da bomb and make me feel complete  


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