Sunday, 10 March 2013

Looking at my toes

hey guys,

 (dress- H&M (old), Shirt- Vintage, tights- M&S and Lofers- Hudson)
Long Time no chat. How are you all? I am currently obsessed with the sleeve combo in this little outfit. It's  the way that they just suddenly puff out into bell sleeves from my sixties style dress. Also the fact it is paisley (and we all know just how much I paisley). You really can't beat a good pair of shoes and these are the newest additions to my collection  Loafers are one of the most comfortable shoes it is possible to buy, as well as in my opinion looking so amazing as well.  I kind of feel like a granddad but in a really amazing way. Everybody should feel this way, as they make walking up round collage so much more pleasant. No seriously BUY LOFERS NOW!!!!! hehe did you? I know you won't reget it. Now I am going to go and do some serious course work.

I hope that you all are ok
(Sorry for a lack of posts I have so much collage work atm)