jumper-my mums (but now mine), skirt-topshop, socks- places where socks are found, boots-asos, head thing- DIY, scarf- accessorize (quite a few years ago)
This is an end to what has to have been my busiest week on record one day free. What??? So I have done a lot of travailing around and had time to think; I have thought about a lot of stuff but one of the things was an idea for here on this blog (I have lot's of ideas for this blog). This idea was to write about was in my oppioion the idea to end all ideas although I now don't think of it as that amazing it is still a good ide. So what is this amazing idea I hear you ask????
What do you need to survie Autumn - Winter?
Top of my list are jumpers. The chunkier the better, they are to be layered on top of a summer dress with thick winter wollen tights. Jeans and a pair of chelsea boots, and well with simple skirts to look amazing. They keep you warm and cozy in collage on those days when you sort of glad to be in a class room rather than braving the cold outside (I admit that this feeling only works in classes you enjoy and are not a task to go to, hmm I have a few like that).
Then their are wollen tights, something which I have already mentioned. Their bold colours and deepness of colour also the fact that they are just so walm to wear makes them my secret to wearing skirts in the middle of winter. That and my shire determinedness to wear a skirt when ever I feel like it. (I am most defiantly a skirt girl I will clim trees in them quit happily)
Warm drinks they have to come on any list even the ones that are centered around clothing. I am quit a big coffee and tea drinker at the moment I love a cup of black coffee, earl grey or chi tea. Of course I have my tea with a dash of milk and the obligatory sugar. But in general hot drinks are a good idea.
Scarfs. mine generally smell of coffee, but they are a bit of a thing for me as I feel naked without one. Not a good feeling sort of strange like that whole imagen people naked infront of crowed but backwards. I try to remember to put one on, as they also keep me walm.
A good pair of boots are also essential as when it rains they are a much better thing to be wearing then ballet flats. Put a good pair of socks with them on tights and wear with anything really.
I hope that this was a good list to read. I loved thinking up what to say