Friday, 9 November 2012

I am not feelin good

Ok so I am pretty much dead right now (I am not feelin good). However I thought I would take the time to put theses pictures up of me. I love the outfit which I am wearing in these, the mix of patterns I find very appealing  I especially love my poncho cardigan from asos via eBay  The story goes that I relay wanted that cardigan in a burnt orange colour (because I love ponchos and they were sold out of this colour). Then I searched something on eBay and this came up I can't recall what it was that I searched but yeah. I got this for £7 which was pretty good going I would say. I have worn it quit a lot since I got it and it defiantly a winter favourite for me. (they have the crimbo decorations in watrose it's winter as far as I am concerned). Anyway hope you like this breif post. I thought it would be a shame to waste pictures cos the writing that I had to with them did not match.

You will get the other post soon 