Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Time to dream

This dress is one of the most inspiring things I own at the moment. I love it, the colour the print (which annoyingly is not shown at all in theses picture, so trust me). The colour is so vibrant and so autumnal it is stupid.  It reminds me of bright red cherrys and staining my cloths as a 10 year old, cherry stains never come out. The style is Victorian revival, which is not normally me but everything about this dress was so perfect I had to buy it when I saw it at the flee market. I love the bell sleeves and the colour which is like the ones on the inden shirts. But mostly it makes me think of jane Austin one of my favorite authors. I feel that with some slight adjustments I could fit right into the world Mr Darcy. Even my dog (maybe).
I know this was short but it is mid weeks and I have hands to messup (aka art- I am a very messy art person) 

