Sitting hear eating a cupcake and drinking green tea, I am thinking about my favourite things (non cloths related). They change months to month but this is not a October favourites (I love watching them on YouTube though); I guess it's just a ramble about things I like. First shoes this are by Denny and Ozzy and I love the pattern, I got them on sail for 15 squids (£) in Urban. The lase is for my hair and I just love putting thing in my hair;well I love looking good hence red lip stick the perfect statement. Guess which is a childhood favourite? If you guessed Barbapappa's then your right, it was my mums and she used to read it to me when I was little, I loved it then and I love it now. The lovely bones is the book I read most recently and loved it a amazing read as good or better than the film which is on my top ten films. On the subject of films Pretty In Pink has been my favourite for years, I love that film. Anybody got any other 80's film that I should watch.? Jewellery! It's no real secret but adore it, I'm relay in silver at the moment.
Bonfire Night
OMG coloured lightning
Flames as big as a big thing
A kick ass Fire
My camera showing off
Don't you think that this looks like bleach on black.

Love Sasha