(Coat-ZARA// Jumper-ZARA// Skirt- H&M// Bag- The Cambridge Satchel Company// Boots- Office// Jewelry- Assorted)
Ok, so I admit it I have a problem; (no it is not my ability to decide to cut my hair short with about 2 seconds before the haircut actually happens), but my love affair with the darker side of the colour pallet. It can't be helped when you get dressed at 6am and you just throw together something in like 2 seconds because lets face it sleep is so much more appealing than getting out of bed, and dark colours are pretty fool proof you see. At least my bright yellow bag is with me most of the time and acts as my protection against my full conversion. It is the only bit of yellow I have seen for a while, as all I have seen in for the last few weeks seems to be grey clouds and water. Maybe the problem is I am starting to blend in! (Revolation)
Do you like my hair? (I love getting my hair cut (confession))