Thursday, 18 July 2013

Look up I'm free


(top, skirt-DIY,Trainers-Converse and jewelry- assorted)  
So it's finally arrived; 6 weeks of freedom. I feel like I could fly right now! (Seriously I have started to grow wings) The last school year has been crazy busy. So I'm excited to have the time off before I do it all again. This summer should be fun; I'm off to spend a week in London in a few weeks and the France later on. This is what I wore to lunch with my friends, for our end of term meal (it's become a tradition). Seeing as I still had to go into college for the morning (boring(see what I did there)), I didn't want to wear heels, cos heels and college just make my feet die just thinking about it. It was sort of a ding moment though because I re-discovered these babies, sort of funny how things can just be there and you just never take them in. They were kind of like my lost children, and now they are found! The rest of this outfit is my own stuff (I made it I mean; I own all of my clothes). This top is was my lastest project. I have been lusting after it for what seems like forever. It was sort of inspired by the idea of a ballet dress, but drenched and several sizes too big. I have no idea why I was thinking about that, as my lasting memory of me and ballet and me refusing to go into the studio when I was about 5. I don't think I was ever very good, I have lacked coordination from a young age. It kind of seemed right to pair it with this skirt; it is one of my favorite things at the moment, and it made me feel like a DIY queen or something.
I'm not, by any means. I am more like a lowly peasant.

I hope that you enjoyed reading this