Hello my Dear Readers,
I don't know why I never seem to have bags in my posts. I guess it's because I always carry the same one. But I thought it would be fun to show you my baby (my Cambridge Satural). The bright yellow is so happy; perfect for collage which sometimes needs a bit of brightening up, having just finished exams (my life needed anything it could get seriously care-bears needed to be called in and I am slightly counting down to the new monsters inc movie just to keep myself sane). Yellow can be a bit of a hard colour to work with when you have to wear it on a daily bases, looking like a clown has happened. But I think that the bold colour of my bag flows with the rest of my outfit. It's not too shabby considering it was a bit of an late edition to this outfit, I may have worn this outfit a couple of weeks ago but forgot to take any photos. :/
I love the combination of the black and white with the pop of floral. It's very simple but so effective.
I hope you enjoyed looking at this post
(.P.S. Follow me on Twitter, Instagram and like my FaceBook fan page)