(Dress and Cardigan- TopShop, Loafers-Hudson, Watch- Michael Kors and Dog (Watson)- My own

We all have those items in our wardrobe. The ones that no matter how ratty they get or how many holes they have in them, you can't chuck them out. We all have them for me it is this cardigan, with the sleeves misshapen a result of over wear, at least two buttons missing to match the two globules of white paint somewhere along the base of the cardigan. (You get the picture this cardigan has been through the wars). I still can't get rid of it, I wear it so often it's just so easy to wear. I love how slouchy it is; how perfect it looks with a dress or skirt, it makes such a simple outfit which I wear all the time haha.
Honestly it has seen me through tears, smiles and a whole heap of exams as well as the revision. Hence it made complete sense to show take photos of what I was wearing the day before my last exam. It represents what I have been wearing for the last month so well. I felt so tired and drained and just had no time to read blogs, let alone find the time to write a post for my own. Now I have finished I feel so free and can't wait to put some post ideas I have into action.
Do you like my bitch face in the last photo, it's directed towards whoever even came up with the idea of exams. haha
Lot's of love
(.P.S. have you checked out my twitter, facebook fan page or instagram yet)