Hey my dearest readers
So the weather is still rubbish, no surprise. But I have decided to sort of ignore it, I broke out a spring jacket shock horror and wore that today. I really can't for spring to properly come, I have so many outfit ideas they are coming out of my ears right now. My head is full of skirt, tee combos and dresses that are dying to be worn sons jacket. Haha it's such a hard life right. In my quest to bring spring to my life, I have been eating (well baking) to match my new mind set; I made the yummiest cupcakes with homemade lemon curd in them and everything, so good. Although the buttercream on top looked a bit funky, that is the last time I try to mix lemon curd in to my butter cream, (It was a rookie mistake) despite all that it tasted amazing. I would have taken a picture if it had looked prettier.
Anyway what do you think of my outfit? to grey?
I hope you are all well
(PS: have you checked out my facebook, intagram or twitter yet if not check out the side bar for links)