I know I was bad last week and did not manage to get anything up : ( but I do have a valid excuse,the dog ate my homework, (well not really). The last 2 weeks have been crazy, I have been working towards two course work deadlines each within a week of each other. This is not fun and I have had no free time (or sleep) for the last two weeks. So you can guess that I had no time to blog. : ( But it was not all bad as it was Textiles and Art which are subjects that I really enjoy. So was that a good reason?
I am quite obsessed with this dress and shirt combination (you can not see the shirt really, but I got home from collage today with an idea of taking some pictures in the dark I am quite pleased with how they have turned out for a first attempt). I have been so obsessed with this outfit that I have worn it 2 days in a row so that I could get some photographic evidence of it. I am am well and truly smitten with the floty cream dress and smart patterned shirt. I can't wait to try more ideas with this dress (I may even dip dye it with navy when the weather gets a bit better)
Happy Monday