Wednesday, 2 January 2013

*A resolution*

Hello dear readers

Dress-Topshop, cardigan-Asos, tights-MandS, Scarf- Present, watch-Michel Kores and shoes-New Look (last year)

Ok so we survived twenty-twelve. I'm not really shore thats note worthy but non the less it was shouted  at me when the clock stuck midnight after we poped party poppers and screamed "HAPPY NEW YEAR". At that point I got asked for my new years resolution and I did not have one : /, so being a quick thinker I came up with "get a boy friend". And ok it would be nice, but it's not quite what I consider a resolution.

So I decided to look back at all of the things that happened to me 2012; the good and bad. The bad namely being exams (grrr I still have not got over those things), and the sadness death. But their have been some good point, such as said exam results and seeing that all my hard work payed off, this blog and writing, and all the amazing things I have been lucky enough to get.

So what could I do to top 2012, could I loses 10LB's or could I tone my stomach (that one I fully intend to do without it even being a new years resolution). No I can do that stuff well when ever and I am not shore if I want to lose 10lb's or if toning my tummy is worthy of my new years resolution. So I chose this: My new years resolution is to improve this blog and make it the best it can be. I mostly think this the most fun of my options. But will need some input from you my readers, how do you think I can improve? Types of post you'd like to see? Or things I can do to the graphics?

Happy New Year