This is one of the best outfit's I have worn in an while. I love everything about it, except for the fact I have written outfit. The word feels so disrespectful, to me, to cloths in general. (Outfit (meaning in Sasha's head)- Pieces of clothing put together to look on trend and follow the crowd in a sheep like mannor. This frase is often used by un desirable people in films.) I am not shore what word I would use to replace it. Things chucked on my body perhaps, on maybe the more fitting word of on-sample as that implies more thought. (re-written sentence) This is one of the best on-samples I worn in a while.
I think that I like it so because of how it fits together. The colours which seam to perfectly contrast and complement each other. The skater skirt, which incidentally is one of my most worn things in my wardrobe since I got it a few years back. Is in perfect contrast with the full-ness of my 70's hoppy style shirt I am wearing. This shirt is very easy to wear as it looks good with lot's of stuff, I can see why the typle pirate would wear one, they are very comfortable minus the parrot on the shoulder, or head if it is a badly behaving parrot. (You never know) Then the hat, a marvellous invention, mine is from a beach shop in St Ives, I love this hat I feel like Indiana Jones or perhaps a cowboy. In fact the band on the hat relay looks amazing with the colour of my skirt, I just love it. For reference these boots are from topshop last year and are perfect for a stroll in the english country side when it's not raining.
I think I have to pay a tribute to my brother who look the photo's not bad for a un-willing 11 year old. Who I directed to the smallest degree. He was grate, not that he will read this. I love the way that the light has changed the picture and made me just a shadow in the picture. Then their is the quality of the light which is tanks to me taking the photo's at 7pm. The best time to get that look in my opinion as the other option means me getting up at a excruciatingly early time in the morning and I am sorry my dear blog reader but I can not do that even for you.
I could not finnish this without telling you about the amazing film milk, which is about the first Gay politician in america. Not only it a amazing story but also amazingly acted and just amazing in general