Friday, 16 September 2011

Fashion Week

Just thought that I would drop a note to say that London fashion week has started (so happy about this)and I shall be devoting this week to it and opinion for Spring 2012.

For Day one  I thought that I would tell a bit of what I am expecting. From the brief bits that have seen (sadly I am watching on my laptop I'm not going to any shows) I would say that we shall be seeing a range of skirt lengths from mid calf to mini and in a variety of colours also high low skirts which I have been loving them for a while they are perfect to show off cool tights and leggings. I think that digging though your local vintage shops for mid calf 50's skirts is a good idea now (be prepared)  so they don't all go/ get their prices amped up.
There are my skirt thoughts for 2011, (if anyone is wandering I did follow New York but chose to right about London it being in my country and all).
Have amazing fashion filled week