When I was hanging on to the tree I felt a bit like Petter Pan or George from "George in the jungle". Love trees climbing them, taking photos of them even drawing them and I am lucky enough to live near a hole lot of them. Maybe it runs in the family my brother also loves to climb trees. The roots of trees are completely amazing I think that that the older the tree the better the roots, thinking about the history of something is completely fascinating, maybe that is why I love to wear vintage clothing because I feel it has a history.
This tree is middle aged in terms of trees and has fascinating roots protruding out of the soil. The moss sort of matches the colour of my hunters that I have worn with jack wills (so posh) socks. My blue denim vintage skirt is curtsy of fox trot vintage et the ravishing red top (he he) is from Lara Ashley. I am also wearing fake knotted perls from a charity shop with my beloved head scarf.
Love you all
The dogs name is Lottie she is a babe.