Saturday, 16 July 2011

In the stable

Hey Guys,

This outfit is very had to say were everything came from, I do very much love it though and is something that I will defo wear again. So the hat I got in St Ives last weekend I love it because of the shape which is sort of a classic straw hat crossed with a cowboy hat. The skirt is charity shop but is adjusted by me (there's not much more to say on it relay). Most of the jewellery I made my self  and the shawl was my grate-grandmother on my mothers side (random fact) and I paired it with a simple white top.

I think that this a  grate  outfit, I love the simple colours which just works it's not to complex but still bold and bright.
Love this song

Ow harry potter is my obsession 
Comment if you are a massive harry potter nerd like me!
Couse we ROCK! YEAH!!!