On this last Saturday, I hop skipped and jumped it down to the the Bath Fashion Museum. Which has been one of my favourite places since I was about 10 when my mum first took me their. I went their for school ork purposes but really I just found a excuses to go look around there, (I have been looking for one for a while) since it is only £5.51 or something for 16 years and younger, I just had to go. I was not disappointed, it was truly amazing. I loved the sports clothing exhibition which sadly was the one part which I could not take photos of. But go look because they have an amazing woman's cricket onsemble which consists of a long kilt like skirt and a navy blue cardigan with red strips. It was the best thing their other than their Alexander Mc Queen dress. Yes, I was not dreaming it's there. Just looking at one was so amazing, (I am such a fan girl over this). It is truly an amazing place and I advise everyone to go check it out.
Hope everyone is having a good build up to Christmas