Saturday, 8 October 2011

Hey Guys

(green tank & white top- mum skirt- my aunt shoes- Zara)
I am supper glad to show you what I am wearing today; I am completely obsessed with this out fit. It's something that I have worn this outfit only a few times but it is a favourite. But I have wanted to show this since I  first wore it. I am mostly wearing second hand stuff or last session.
I think that pairing a shirt with a middy skirt is a grate way to get that dishevelled look. I love my Belt it's vintage I got it from a vintage store in Frome when I went to a craft fair and fly market a while ago, a grate belt is a amazing thing to own, it's can glam up a dull shirt and make it a wow factor without much effort. I love the gold and black in this one. And this supper cute necklace is from John Lewis, I don't relay think that it goes this with the cloths, but that's relay why I am wearing it sort to make a statement in a odd way.

Bye Bye 
my lovely's 